” You have to fight to reach your dreams. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it“- Lionel Messi.
This quote means a lot to me. It explains that if you’re not a hard worker–just straight up and simple– you will not achieve your dreams.
Lionel Messi is one of the most amazing soccer players in the history of ever!!! He started playing soccer at a very young age and to achieve the spot he has now, on one of the best soccer teams global wide, he knew he had to work. That’s exactly what he did. Messi practiced hard and treated every practice as if it were a game. He’d come home every night being caked with dirt and mud and sweat pouring off of him, almost in a stream. He fought, I can tell you that. He’s always been a fighter. He fought so hard to achieve those dreams of his up in his head. He sacrificed his time for the beloved game of soccer.
I admire him for following his dreams, fighting, sacrificing and working hard for them.